Wednesday, June 13, 2007

24 Hours Later

I realize that for the past 24 hours + 1 year ago, I have been trying to get this blog up and running. Well, here it is in beta form-finally! I shouldn't really say beta. I spent a great deal of time tweaking the format. Unfortunately, I kept changing my mind and had to go back and re-do everything over and over again. Some of the features you see on this blog may or may not work...this can be for a number of reasons. Either the HTML code is corrupt or the template I am using and edited doesn't recognize the commands. Is this getting to technical for you?

I tried to make this blog simple and use other blogs as templates. WNYC's program ON THE MEDIA has a simple blog they created for a special segment. Other blogs can be pretty intense or slightly media heavy- is one way of calling it. My dear friend Drew Pisarra writes a weekly blog for New York Magazine online about the FOX show "So You Think You Can Dance". Both of these blogs are worlds apart as far as content, purpose and audience.

There are blogs about blogs! We have the Anderson Cooper 360 Blog and we also have All Things Anderson blog. Wait did I also mention Anderson Cooper 360 Review blog? What about the real dirt about Anderson Cooper in this blog?

So what was I thinking? What does Milo think about this blog business anyway? This is a great learning experience for me. Will it just fade away and will I get tired of it? Will anyone post to this blog? Can you spell RSS?

In many professions, there is a need to keep up with all the changes around us. Wiki's, myspace, blogs, social networks like Second Life are examples of those changes. I need to get up to speed. A 10 year old at the library recently explained to me how to fix a MySpace page template!

I hope, as best as I can through this blog, to bring you along and discuss issues on a variety of topics and provide a place for you to talk back. Ok- so how does Milo fit into this? He is sitting right here dictating this posting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Blog! I love MIlo