Saturday, June 30, 2007

Reading the Future

Yesterday, after 6 years, I resigned from my job at Brooklyn Public Library. It was a very unusual morning. I was a little tense since I wanted to get it over with and was waiting for my boss to get into work. Ironically, he was late arriving which only prolonged my anxiety. My intention was to give him my resignation letter prior to a staff meeting. However, it did not work out that way and I was forced to sit in the meeting a listen to him delegate 6 months of new work to me. This only made my situation more difficult. After the meeting, I quickly followed him into his office and sat-down and placed my resignation letter on his desk. His reaction was "uh-oh"! It was a surprise to say the least.

I took a deep breath and thanked him for all the support he has given me over the past few years. The PULSE program was not only a success for the library, but also for the profession. Plus, it also put yours truly on the map. Kudos to me!

What now? I will be entering a new chapter in my life as I move forward and take a job as the Head of Reference and Information Services at the main library of Tacoma Public Library in the State of Washington. This position will put me on a slightly different career track and allow me to pursue my interests in public services and library administration. A colleague asked if I am interested in becoming a Director of a library someday? I am not sure if this is my intended career path, however, I will not rule it out someday.

Moving clearly across the country to Tacoma with Milo is exciting but also a big move. Tacoma is approximately 30 miles south of Seattle. Much of the city is experiencing a downtown gentrification. The Tacoma Arts Museum and Museum of Glass are anchors in downtown Tacoma. The arts and culture scene is bustling with activity.
So much to see and so much to do! It will be a learning curve both professionally and personally. I will be in Tacoma next week to meet the staff of the library and get my first look at the city- plus, I will be searching for a place for Milo and I to call home. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

nick higgins said...

I wish you luck Jerome!
I've been meaning to track down your blog since we chatted about the future of libraries above the main hall of Brooklyn Public a couple weeks ago. The magnitude of ALA and starting a new July rotation has slowed me down a bit lately but things are clearing out now. This is a good space - I'll have a little more time to comment from now on.
I'll let you tell the rest of the PULSE folks directly about your new adventure. If it's a surprise, I wouldn't want to ruin it, and knowing that it's a great new position I wouldn't want to mess up telling the incredible story that likely accompanies the news.
Really great Jerome! But how on earth are you going to tear yourself from NYC? I get the shakes everytime I leave for more than a week - and I wasn't even born here!
Take care Jerome. Have a safe trip.

nick higgins