Saturday, July 07, 2007

Cool Factor

The Gothamist reported today about the recent articles that appeared in the NY Times and the NY Sun about hip librarians. I know this will be interpreted as a much needed publicity boost to the profession. I am not sure how many will read this article and run out to enroll in the nearest library school, however, there will be some surge in that cool librarian phenomena. Many attempts have been made over the years to change the perception of that image (we) embedded in our visual databases of a typical librarian- glasses, hair in a bun and long skirt.

Truth be told, I am not sure if I was considering the image of the librarian when I decided to pursue the profession? I was only reminded about the "historical" librarian image while I was in library school. None of my friends made comments or associated me with this image. What about the image of a male librarian? I could probably research what a male librarian use to look like back in the day, but I will let everyone come up with their own image of the male librarian.

Yes, there was the character from the TV mini-series The Librarian that seemed to be popular and probably, in some fashion, put the male librarian's image on the map. But, I never really thought about being an Indiana Jones librarian.

Does there need to be an image? I wonder how the image of a policeman, fireman or nurse has changed? Ok- that is comparing apples and oranges- or is it?

I like listening to all kinds of music, however, if I have my mp3 player or car radio, I am most likely listening to alternative/rock music--- AFI, the Cure, Muse, etc. etc. Does that make me a rock librarian? How cool is that? We can start this whole group of librarians into rock music! I am sure that already exists. What is a rock librarian anyway?

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