Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Long Haul

Recently, someone asked me if I had any hobbies? I told them I collected beer cans! But, of course that is not so. How about books? Doubtful. I do, however, have an interest in commerical airlines/airplanes. I love to peruse the pictures of planes from the huge photo archives of airplanes from all over the world. Maybe it's the wild painted colors on some planes that is so cool- it is like a work of art.

I don't really consider this a hobby but merely an interest. You will not find color photographs of these planes decorating my walls. Nor will you find a plane in my apartment. You will however find these photographs on my laptop wallpaper.

I can confirm that when I do travel tomorrow, I will arrive at JFK airport and take a spot by the window. Do I collect little toy airplanes- no. At one time, I did.

I could have grown up to be a pilot, fligh attendant, baggage handler or any other airplane employee. One wonders how many work in the industry and are crazy about airplanes? Quite a few I'm sure. Do I fly often? Not really, however, when I do, I get really excited and sometimes arrive at the airport extra early (even though that is the norm these days) and watch the planes roll and fly up to some foreign destination.
Speaking of flying...a recent article about travel gadgets appeared in Forbes Traveler magazine. Some of the gadgets seem unusual. Then again, some maybe not. My favorite is the laptop powered slippers. Go figure!

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