Friday, August 03, 2007

Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

I have been reading a few of blogs and the news postings about the devastation of the bridge in Minneapolis the other day. I frequently have commented on this blog about the news and information sources that have literally changed the way we learn about events.

I recently commented on how Wiki's are a source of information for disasters such as the airplane crash in Brazil and now a Wiki has been created about the bridge disaster. Another way of sharing information is through the camera lens. The photo above is just one of over a thousand pictures that have been posted on Flickr since the other day. Many photographs are amazing and show the devastation and impact of the bridge collapse.

We often talk about how the internet and technology has made an impact on our lives and the world we live in. It is hard to imagine just 15+ years ago the internet was not part of our daily lives. We did not have access to these photos and sites like Flickr did not exist- much less TV or print news online. We would have to rely on TV news footage and the newspaper to see these pictures- most still in black and white!

What about people around the world that do not have access to the internet or television or newspapers? How do they see the world?

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