Tuesday, July 17, 2007

All the Books, All the Time

Imagine every single book on this planet in one library that everyone can access 24/7. Looks like the time has come. Our worst nightmare? Probably not. A recent posting on Boing Boing about Internet Archive's Open Library which is now in demo mode online, will most likely raise an eyebrow here and there.

The following introduction greets visitors...

"Imagine a library that collected all the world's information about all the world's books and made it available for everyone to view and update. We're building that library".

The Open Library project seeks to catalog and shelve every book known to all. It's a library wiki of sorts. It is an ambitious project and the folks beyond this initiative are actively seeking the help and particpation of others- including librarians. In addition, a visitor to the site can see who and what has been added or updated in the library.

It will be a project to watch closely as it develops. What will they think of next?

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