Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Steamboat Springs

A funny thing happened to me this afternoon while out and about walking Milo. As I was approaching my apartment building, I ran into a neighbor who was rushing to the store. She looked stressed and I said hi to her and asked how she was and her response was "better now"! She then asked me if I was around for the explosion? I responded "no". She continued to tell me how crazy it was and that they evacuated the building and everyone was running in the streets. Bewildered, I asked her when this took place and she said around 6pm. I thought, wow, and it's only 7pm and everything seems normal. The building doesn't look damaged or I don't see any police or firetrucks? She continued to say how it was a madhouse and everyone in the building panicked! I could not comprehend such an incident happening in my apartment building.

Needless to say, when I walked in to my apartment and turned on the TV, I was bombarded with every TV news breaking story of the steam pipe explosion in the city. It was big news. What was the second major news story of the day? You give up? The rain that flooded our lives all-day in buckets! Is there some connection between steam and rain?

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