Sunday, July 29, 2007

Brooklyn vs. Tacoma

As I begin to get ready for the move across the country, I am often asked if I will miss New York. Being a native New Yorker, I was born and raised on everything that is unique to the city. Whether it's culture, art, music, pan-handling, activism, or just plain craziness that becomes part of a New Yorker's lifestyle.

Yes- I can admit that I will miss a few things about the city. But, not everything will be missed. I will not miss the constant rushing, pushing and shoving on the train. I will not miss the massive crowds of people in Union Square shopping a Filene's Basement. Nor will I miss the rudeness of New Yorkers! OK- I hear the sneer. Who are you kidding?

Unfortunately, many of us hard-edge NYers have this rudeness in our blood. Of course, many would argue with me on this. I can't really say why many New Yorker's are rude? Maybe it's this concrete jungle we live in or our lack of nature that makes us grumpy and rude?

What will life be like in Tacoma? Almost everyone I have spoken to about my move to the area, have commented on how most, if not all, of the people are "always nice" to quote my doctor. In addition, the beauty that surrounds Washington State was high on the list on why I will love living in Northwest. Of course, most folks also mentioned that everyone lives/works/plays at a "much" slower pace. How could a cityboy like me deal with that?

I don't have an answer to that question? However, in the short amount of time I have spent in the Seattle/Tacoma area, I did find that urban atmosphere and neighborhood feel quality. Take those two qualities and sprinkle some of that beautiful landscape and lots and lots of nature and you have a place for me... and Milo!

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