Saturday, August 25, 2007

Day 2 Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Dateline: 8:12pm CST. We've made it to Eau Claire, Wisconsin this evening. It was a long day- about 12 hours of driving. We hit severe weather in the Indiana area and the interstate was closed due to severe flooding. Most of the Midwest was affected by torrential downpours and flooding. We missed the severe weather but the devastation clearly had an impact on the roads. As a result we did have to go almost 100 miles out of our way to go around the closed highways!

This alternate route took us through the farmland and suburban sprawl of Indiana. No shortage of strip malls. This route was long and tiresome with stop lights for most of the local route. When we did finally make it to the interstate- we were already off course and had to make up miles of lost time.

Milo has been enjoying the trip and this morning when we left the Best Western motel, there were a few dogs that he did get to play with. He has learned to jump from bed to bed in the hotel room. Today, we are staying at a Quality Inn and we have a small balcony overlooking the pool. As expected, the pool is crowded with children.

One other good amenity that we have found thus far in the hotels is the free wi-fi internet access. I am so use to paying for it at most hotels. I had to keep asking the hotel clerk if it was free. Unfortunately, the internet access is not the greatest and the speed is poor. We are having problems accessing the blog for postings AND we are also having problems downloading the pictures we have been taking. Stay tuned as we attempt to work out this glitch and add photos as soon as possible.


Anonymous said...

I don't always agree with you, but I see that you are objective in your
postings. Despite the differences I still enjoy reading your posts and I
often learn even when our viewpoints are different. :-)

william l hamilton said...

more pictures of rick - he's a hottie!