Sunday, August 26, 2007

Day 3 Dickinson, North Dakota

Dateline: 10:01pm, MST.
We are here on the 3rd day of our travels across the country in a town called Dickinson in North Dakota. It was a long journey. We were on the road since 8:30 this morning. We started from Eau Claire, Wisconsin and drove on I-94 for about 600 miles.

Our travels took us through Minnesota and then into North Dakota. It was route that would bypass Minneapolis and as a result we did not get to see the city. Passing through Minnesota, it was Garrison Keillor who provided the car radio entertainment as we were in the heart of "Prairie Home Companion" territory.

The weather was hot. For most of the drive, we followed a straight path through most of the state. Very little in the way of terrain. North Dakota was pure agriculture. For most of the drive we saw nothing but fields and fields of farmland. I have never seen so much hay or barley in my entire life. Interesting facts about North Dakota agriculture can be found here. We were also able to see plenty of cows and buffalo.

We took pictures at various stops along the way. The pictures are now available online and have been added to my flickr account. More are forthcoming.

We are heading out to Montana in the morning and should reach Tacoma by Tuesday afternoon. More later...

1 comment:

william l hamilton said...

OMG - i just looked at the flickr pics - who is that guy traveling with you? he is so awesome.