Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Final Thoughts Part 2

As I spend the day running down a list of things to do before the move, Milo has been looking mighty puzzled these days. I get the feeling that Milo is beginning to suspect something is up. There is no carpet for him to lounge, no bed to relax and nothing seems to be where it should be. Better yet, there is nothing but empty space.

If I could only read his mind? I am hoping that he will enjoy the adventure. I am not sure if I was in his shoes (paws?) that it would be much fun cramped up in a car for 10 hour days listening to Rick and I sing "99 bottles of beer on the wall"! Ok- maybe not.

Last night, I went out with friends and made note of the crowd in the restaurant. We were in Bay Ridge so it was a local crowd. A crowd that I have grown to know over the years. It wasn't a special crowd, it was just a neighborhood crowd. No gloss, no glamour, no fashionista's-- just good ole folks. Folks that make this my neighborhood. I will miss Bay Ridge.

I will be hitting the road this Friday and I am planning to blog our adventures across country. This will be a challenge and I look forward to it. Until then...

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