Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Final Thoughts Part 1

It's hard to believe that D-DAY (D for departure) is literally this Friday! Yesterday, I spent the majority of the day taking everything that has not been packed or shipped and placing it out in my living room to take inventory. What was I thinking?

As I look around, I realize I still have more to pack and ship. In some cases, it might be easier to throw everything into a box and ship it out- and label the box "junk"!

These last few days, I have been doing a few things that represent the best of the neighborhood! Places that became a staple for me while I lived here for the past few years. Last night, I ate from my favorite Chinese take-out restaurant Xing Wong. I will be having dinner with friends this evening at Cebu- another local restaurant. I will stop into Rocco's Pizzeria around the corner and order my 2 slices and 5 garlic knots and say my farewell to the brothers that have been running the family owned business.

Bay Ridge has been a great neighborhood. Unlike many neighborhoods, where know one will give you the time of day, Bay Ridge has a homey neighborhood feel. Everyone is friendly and you know your neighbors. You see the same folks with dogs in the parks and on the street people say hello.

I will miss my neighborhood a great deal. I will miss the restaurants, bars, family owned and operated stores, parks, the promenade on the water with sweeping views of the New York skyline. Heck- I will even miss the fact that Bay Ridge had it's 15 minutes of fame when that Tornado touched down a few weeks ago just a few blocks away.

Milo will also miss the walks around the block and Shore Road Park and dog-run. He will miss running into the other dogs in the building- especially Buttercup- a female golden retriever. She was the first dog Milo ran into when we first moved into the building. He will even miss the hydrant in front of the building!

If you think about it, what's not to be missed? To be continued...

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