Monday, August 13, 2007

Heat of Summer

It's been a few days since I have posted here and I have to admit that I have been really busy getting ready for my move out west. I have been packing and shipping boxes. In addition, I have been selling my furniture on Craigslist which has been time consuming- in the sense that I have folks coming by to see or buy the furniture.

I find Craigslist a great service, however, I also find it problematic. I have posted everything from a TV to a dresser to bed. In most cases, I get several responses from people who are interested in the furniture. Those people express an interest in coming by to see the furniture and I oblige by arranging a time for them to come over. Problem is they never show-up or call to cancel! I have learned this is common.

I don't know if this is a New York thing or common in other cities? I do know that the scams are everywhere. E-mails from folks that will send a cashier's check and send a moving company to pick up your lamp is a bit odd.

Nevertheless, even though I can't use Craigslist as an excuse for not writing. I can blame this summer as the reason. What? It's true! Seriously, I have the proof. Lisa Belkin in a recent article in the NY Times writes about how we are a bit slower and lazy during the summer months. She couldn't even get herself to write the article- curiously I felt the same way about writing this post. I just could not get myself in the write mode. Maybe the heat, maybe everyone on vacation also allows us to pretend we are on vacation, maybe we are programmed to slow down during the summer months. I for one seem to get tired during these hot days and find myself taking a nap- which seems to only happen during the summer!

What does this all mean? I apologize to anyone who wakes up and grabs their morning java and reads my latest post du jour! Yes- I do have a sense of humor! Needless to say, I will be pulling the plug next week and disconnecting my internet service as I get ready to hit the road. Even though I have every intention of trying to update this blog while on the road, and detail my travels with Milo and my friend Rick, the hotter the weather the less likely I might see myself sitting in a cafe in Fargo, North Dakota banging away at the keyboard.

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