Sunday, August 19, 2007

Reflections and Chicken Wings

This past week marked the end of a chapter in my life. Friday, was my last day at Brooklyn Public Library after more that six and half years. Those six years were a part of my life that would inevitably set the stage for my career and my future.

I have been asked over the past few days by several friends how I am feeling about leaving the library and NYC? Of course, my answer is that I feel sad. On the other hand, I feel that I have accomplished quite a great deal in those six years and that I have done the job I set out to do many years ago. As a result, it was a perfect time for me to move on to better opportunities.

On Thursday, the library had a good-bye luncheon for me. A few words were spoken about my first days on the job. Hard to believe that when I started it was pre-library school days! In the evening, the PULSE trainees had a farewell party for me at a pool hall in Brooklyn. Pictures of the evening can be seen here. Perhaps this was the most difficult of the good-byes since the PULSE program was a project that I spent most, if not all, of the past three years working on. The evening was sentimental for me. A big farewell card was given to me at the party with photographs of all the trainees from the past 3 years. The librarian trainees over the three year program were exceptional and, there is no doubt in my mind all of them will be leaders in the library profession- one of the main goals of the funded program.

On Friday, I did the rounds and said my good-byes and to thank everyone who I had worked with and who played such a large role in my development in the library profession as well as those who supported the program over the years. I could not have gotten to where I am now without the help and support of many people. I could fill an entire post on this blog with all the names of those individuals.

As I begin to turn the page and start a new chapter this week, I will make a few more posts to this blog before heading out on the road. Though, I hope to write about my travels across country, I am dependent upon having access to the internet. In this day and age, I don't find that to be a major issue.

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