Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Welcome Back

Please please please give me an excuse for disappearing! This blog (like many others) went off to never neverland and I can't come up with an excuse. I am bad bad bad- I should be banned from blogging.

It's has been almost 2 months since I posted here and honestly I can't give a valid reason. I can make up an excuse! I have been busy! I have been getting settled into my life here in Tacoma. I have been getting to know the neighborhood!

Does all that mean that I can excuse myself from writing and posting here??? Absolutely not! Of course, I did realize that perhaps I am the only one who reads this blog? So, I figured I would not miss reading about myself. Sounds confusing!

It's not like this posting will be sent to all my loyal readers and they will say "hey it's about time you are back- we missed you". Though I might be joking- I kid you not.

I read blogs on occasion- time permitting. When I subscribed to Bloglines, I was overwhelmed by reading and catching up. The only blog that I read on a semi-steady basis is the local Tacoma blog- Exit 133.

Even though I do try and catch-up, I seem to fall behind often! Am I bad? There is no excuse. These past few weeks have been great. Tacoma rocks!

Will this happen again? Will I post this and disappear for another 2 months? I hope not and again I apologize to all of you who are not reading this- joking again.

There is much to catch-up. Think of it as not seeing a good friend for years. Sitting down and having some coffee and asking that question- "what has been going on since we last saw (blogged?) each other"?

I know that my last posting on here was at the beginning of September- roughly 2 weeks since I first arrived in Tacoma. Much has been going on in my life. I am sure you are asking yourself- like what? Let's make plans to get together and play catch-up. Coffee anyone? I am back...

I promise to also update the Flickr account with more photos. In the meantime, here is a picture from a Halloween party of Corey and I as a Priest and Nun!

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