Monday, November 12, 2007

Collected Shorts

Writing About Death...

The death of Norman Mailer this past weekend prompted me to think about those who write the obituary columns for newspapers. His death was covered in every media shape and form. Speaking with a colleague at the library about his death, I remarked how I was somewhat amused at the NY TIMES obituary on Mailer. Amused- how so?

The four page obit was a condensed biography of the writer. At times, the "essay" was amusing-

"At different points in his life Mr. Mailer was a prodigious drinker and drug taker, a womanizer, a devoted family man, a would-be politician who ran for mayor of New York, a hipster existentialist, an antiwar protester, an opponent of women’s liberation and an all-purpose feuder and short-fused brawler, who with the slightest provocation would happily engage in head-butting, arm-wrestling and random punch-throwing. Boxing obsessed him and inspired some of his best writing. Any time he met a critic or a reviewer, even a friendly one, he would put up his fists and drop into a crouch".

Hipster existentialist? Reading the obituary, I thought about all the famous folks out there who are still alive. I wondered if the NY Times wrote the Mailer obituary sometime ago and filed it away in the drawer- or computer? How many amongst the living have their obits pre-written so that in the event of their death- the paper has it ready for press?

I might be wrong on this assumption? There is nothing wrong with this process and it would probably make things much easier to have it all ready...just in case!

About the night...

Life out here in the Northwest has been at a different pace. I am often being asked these days if I miss New York. It has been just a little over 2 months since I left Brooklyn. I have started to adapt to the early closings of the bars and restaurants here.

It has been a challenge sometimes to find a place to have a late night dinner in the Tacoma area. Most restaurants stop serving food around 9pm weeknights and 11pm on weekends. Yes yes- there are a few exceptions to this rule.

I am not alone in my quest. I often find others who post to the Exit133 forum asking the same questions (i.e. where can I get a cup of coffee at 11pm?). Does this mean I cook at home more often? I would probably have to answer yes to that question.

About Teens...

The new teen space at the library is completed! It was a great learning experience creating the new space. I tried to focus on creating a "teen lounge" that was part modernist, hipster (existentialist??), cool, da bomb, etc. etc. The 2 large flat screen TVs mixed in with that hi-tech industrial look, gives the teens a cool hang-out environment.

The bookcases and front entryway were designed with acrylic panels that are back lit. The walls are a deep purple and the accessories are metallic, chrome and black and white. The computers (not in pics) are black with chrome accents. Wireless headsets compliment the TVs which have cable.

This was a great project to work on. Teens are liking the space and programming is in the works to utilize the area for gaming, etc. etc. Yeah- how cool is that!

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